Save us, Savior of the World
At every Mass, we recite/sing the Mystery of Faith. I love all three versions but one plays in my mind several times a day lately. I find...
The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few. Matthew 9:37
After participating in a Called and Gifted workshop series with the Catherine of Sienna Institute, I decided to explore my gift of writing. Never before had I viewed my skill as a gift from the Holy Spirit and, as I would learn, it is only a gift when it is shared. As a result, I started collecting the writings and am sharing them with you here.
I've been working to be more open to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. These posts are truly His work flowing through my pen onto paper. Yes, I write the old fashioned way and then transcribe them for this online environment. I am in awe every time I type because there is actually very little editing I have to do for a completed piece. There have been several times I have felt like I was taking dictation from God.
I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy co-creating them.
At every Mass, we recite/sing the Mystery of Faith. I love all three versions but one plays in my mind several times a day lately. I find...
From Father Ciszek's book He Leadeth Me. I figure we can all use this prayer these days. Lord, Jesus Christ, I ask the grace to accept...
When presented with a fallen-away Catholic, how do you condense everything you love about the Catholic faith into a few minutes of...
The days are getting shorter and the temperatures are cooling. The season is changing. Time marches on, it seems. It is a strange world...
Just prior to this year's All Souls Feast Day, when we are called to pray for all the known and unknown departed, our family lost a...
Dear Child, You wonder at my servants' hearts and hands. You see them caring for the sick, blissful in their efforts to comfort and sooth...
Dear Jesus, Today in Mass there was a beautiful family with a 3-year old sitting several pews in front of me. The boy was a bit of a...
Lord, I am a simple woman but I felt your presence today.
While every Lent is supposed to be new and different, 2020 did not disappoint. We experienced more than just a spiritual desert this...
This letter was written by the Holy Spirit for a dear friend who had just lost her husband to cancer. It was such a wonderful experience...
Dear Mary, A common story often told is one of a man being asked what he does when he goes to Adoration. His response is "I look at God...
I was asked to craft an opening prayer for our Called and Gifted luncheon where everyone shares their gifts with the group. With the...
Dear Mary, You were right. Three days ago, I sat at the bottom of the hill and watched. I watched as they nailed Jesus to the cross, as...