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A Child's Cry of Joy


Dear Jesus,

Today in Mass there was a beautiful family with a 3-year old sitting several pews in front of me. The boy was a bit of a distraction but a good one. He loved singing along to the familiar songs, wild in his abandon for singing, despite not knowing all the words. He crawled from Dad, to Mom, to brothers, then back again. Such a beautiful reminder of your call to build and protect the family as an extension of heaven on earth. I watched as Dad moved his little fist to tap his chest during the public confession. They bowed together during the Nicene creed and he stood on the kneeler beside his father to see over the pews during the Eucharistic Prayer. It was all such a witness to the value of a faith-filled father in a young boy's life.

As the Mass approached the point of Transubstantiation, I could tell Dad was building excitement for the boy. When the bells rang, his eyes shown bright and he cried out loud "Wow!" for all to hear. I know you had to love the sheer joy on his face in the moment when the bread and wine became your body and blood. He knew something miraculous was happening and he didn't restrain himself. He cried out as we all should. The gospels record your words that we should all have the faith of this child, pure and innocent.

I am so grateful you illustrated that teaching through the little boy. I will picture him at every Mass, as the bells ring, reminding me to have awe and to be wonderstruck with the miracle in front of me. I will remember him during adoration as I sit and talk with you.

I pray, dear Jesus, for the grace of faith like the little boy.

I am your child,



Dear Daughter,

I am pleased you were paying attention. Not everyone was or they were for the wrong reasons. I saw you watching through the boy's eyes. You are correct to seek an innocent heart such as his. The world has yet to test his faith and this makes you long for your own childhood. Fear not and wish not to return to that time. The trials of life have forged your faith. They have sharpened your responses to my beckoning to the point you should be able to set worldly influences aside, returning to me with innocence by choice rather than by birth. Make that choice each day, daughter, there are still greater things in store for you on earth and in heaven.

I am yours and you are mine,





faith, teaching, and agriculture.


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