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Faith-filled Young Adults

Last fall, I had the occasion to attend Mass at UC-Santa Barbara's St. Mark campus parish. It is such a vibrant community. A beautiful, modern sanctuary, it houses an adoration chapel behind glass.

I witnessed young Catholics in quiet adoration, praying the rosary, and participating in the Mass and its' various ministries. I witnessed about a 40/50 split of male-to-female ratio and the variety of races and ethnicities that make up the UC campus and university life.

All of this in the middle of college apartments and fraternity houses blasting music outside. The juxtaposition was not just palatable, it was audible.

These 20-somethings are a shining beacon in their community. They go about their business of prayer and worship with ease and confidence. Their church doors are flung wide open, an invitation to anyone who wishes to join them for any reason.

They are so counter-culture for their age. My heart sang with joy while spending time among them. They had no idea they had lifted this pilgrim's soul.

Thanks be to God!

I took this picture inside the St. Mark's University Parish church.

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Apr 11, 2022

I’ve never found anyone objecting to photographing the sacred space as long as it is done discreetly. During holidays and sacraments of initiation there are all sorts of photographing going on. If you are uncomfortable, simply let Father or the sacristan you are going to take some pictures. They may even have suggestions for getting the best pics.

Brian Kibirige
Brian Kibirige
Apr 11, 2022
Replying to

Nina, thank you for suggestion.


Brian Kibirige
Brian Kibirige
Mar 28, 2022

I have always wanted to take a picture of RCC here at MSU but I have that fear what people will say. I do not know what the culture is here but the chapel is beautiful.



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