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My Servants' Hearts and Hands


Dear Child,

You wonder at my servants' hearts and hands. You see them caring for the sick, blissful in their efforts to comfort and sooth my suffering children. They gently raise their bedsheet to warm them, hold their hand to comfort them, pray over them, anoint them with my spirit. They do what comes naturally. It is no miracle, no great feat. You see, when I live in someone, they can only do my will. It is I who warms the sick, holds their hand for comfort, prays for them to seek the Father amidst their suffering. It is I working through my servants, anointing all my children.

You wonder at their seeming lack of worry for contracting the same suffering as the patients. Do not be surprised to learn they do worry. The difference is they have turned that worry over to me. I give them peace and rest knowing they labor for me. I am their payment and reward. Should they suffer the same fate as those they tend, they will stand beside St Damien, St Theresa of Calcutta, and all the great servants who were my hands caring for others.

This is the position you should seek, not the worldly rewards of position and power. Make yourself powerless for me. Submit your will to mine. Become my hands of comfort for all who suffer. Become the saint I call you to be in this moment and all others.

You are my beloved child,


(The Divine Mercy image of Jesus was created by Eugene Kazimierowski, 1934, and currently hangs in the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Vilnius, Lithuania. The painting is a result of St Faustina's devotion.)



faith, teaching, and agriculture.


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